
Work, Energy and Power

By Examguru / 26 Sep, 2023 / Download PDF

Work, Energy and Power


If a body gets displaced when a force acts on it, work is said to be done. Work is measured by the product of force and displacement of the body along the direction of force.

If a body gets displaced by S when a force F acts on it, then the work W = F S cosθ

Whereθ  = angle between force and displacement. If both force and displacement are in the same direction, then W = FS

  • If force and displacement are perpendicular to each other, W = 0 as cosθ  = 0. For example, in case of uniform circular motion work done by the centripetal force is zero.

Work is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is joule.


The capacity of doing work by a body is called its energy.

  • Energy is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is joule.
  • Energy developed in a body due to work done on it is called mechanical energy.
  • Mechanical energy is of two types: 1. Potential Energy2. Kinetic Energy

Potential Energy:

The capacity of doing work developed in a body due to its position or configuration is called its potential energy.

Example: 1. energy of stretched or compressed spring 2. energy of water collected at a height 3. Energy of spring in a watch 4. Stretched bow

PE of a body in the gravitational field of earth is mgh.

Where m = mass, g = acceleration due to gravity, h = height of the body from surface of the earth.

Kinetic Energy:

Energy possessed by a body due to its motion is called Kinetic Energy of the body.

If a body of mass m is moving with speed v, then kinetic energy of the body is \frac{1}{2} mv^{2}

  • A flying aeroplane has both potential as well as kinetic energy.
  • If two bodies have same kinetic energy, then the body with smaller mass will have higher momentum.

Principle of Conservation of Energy

Energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed, only energy can be transformed from one form to another form. Whenever energy is utilized in one form, equal amount of energy is produced in other form. Hence total energy of the universe always remains the same. This is called the principle of conservation of energy.

  • When a ball is thrown vertically upward its potential energy increases, kinetic energy decreases but the total energy remains constant.

Some Equipments used to Transform Energy



Energy Transformed



Mechanical energy into electrical energy



Chemical energy into light and heat energy.



Sound energy into electrical energy.


Loud Speaker

Electrical energy into sound energy.


Solar Cell

Solar energy into electrical energy.


Tube light

Electrical energy into light energy.


Electric Bulb

Electrical energy into light and heat energy.



Chemical energy into electrical energy.


Electric motor

Electrical energy into mechanical energy.



Mechanical energy into sound energy.


Photo cell

Light energy into electrical energy.

Relation between Momentum and Kinetic Energy

 KE = \frac{p^{2}}{2m}   where p = momentum = mv

Clearly when momentum is doubled, kinetic energy becomes four times.


Rate of doing work is called power.

If an agent does W work in time t, then power of agent\frac{w}{t}

SI unit of power is watt named as a respect to the scientist James Watt.

{\color{Red} \textbf{watt }= \frac{joule}{sec}}

1 kW = 103 watt,

1 MW = 106 watt

1 H.P. = 746 watt. (Horse power is a practical unit of power)

1 watt second = 1 watt × 1 second = 1 joule.

1 watt hour (Wh) = 3600 joule

1 kilowatt hour (kWh) = 3.6 x 106 joule.

W, kW, MW & H.P. are units of power.

Ws, Wh, kWh are units of work and energy.

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