Some Important Sign & Symbols
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Some Important Sign & Symbols
Some Important Signs & Symbols
Pen |
Symbol of Culture & Civilization |
Lotus |
Culture and Civilization |
Red Cross |
Red Cross Society |
Red Flag |
Revolution; also sign of danger |
Black Flag |
Symbol of protest |
Yellow Flag |
Flown on ships or vehicles carrying patients suffering from infectious diseases |
Flag flown upside down |
Symbol of Distress |
Flag flown at half mast |
Symbol of National Mourning |
White Flag |
Symbol of Truce |
Red Triangle |
Sign of Family Planning |
Pegion or Dove |
Symbol of Peace |
Red Light |
Traffic sign of ‘Stop’, also sign of ‘Danger’ or ‘Emergency’ |
Green Light |
Line Clear signal or traffic sign of ‘Go’ |
A blindfolded woman holding a balanced scale |
Symbol of Justice |
Black strip on fore arm |
Sign of mourning or protest |
One skull on two bones crossing each other diagonally. |
Sign of ‘Danger’ |
Wheel (Chakra) |
Symbol of progress |
Olive Branch |
Symbol of peace |
Tricolour |
National Flag of India |
Union Jack |
National Flag of the U.K. |
Stars and Stripes |
National Flag of the U.S.A. |
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