Comprehensive World History Study Materials for Competitive Exams

World History

Ancient World : Beginning to 500 AD - Bronze Age Civilizations

S. Name of the Civilization Modern Area River valley 1 Mesopotamian Civilization (4000 BC - 6th Cen. BC) Iraq Tigris and

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Civilization of the World (Mesopotamian/ Harappan/ Egyptian/ Iranian/ Chinese/ Greek/ Roman)

Mesopotamian Civilization: The Oldest Mesopotamia means ‘land between the rivers’. Mesopotamia is the land between the Tigris and Euphrates river. Mesopotamia comprises for regions: Sumer (Southernmost region), Babylonia and Akkad

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Medieval World: 500 AD - 1500 AD

Medieval Europe The Eastern Roman empire or Byzantine empire was a vast empire and its capital Constantinople was the largest city of that time. The Byzantines built beautiful churches. The most famous of these is the Church of St. Sophia in

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Modern World 1500 AD - 1945 AD

Renaissance The 16th century is commonly designated as the ‘Age of Renaissance’, also called the ‘Revival of learning’. It is said to have started with the capture of Constantinople (now Istanbul) by the Turks in 1453

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Issues in 20th Century: Russian, Chinese, Turkish Revolution/ Fascism, Nazism/ Second World War

Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points In an address to the Congress in Jan., 1918, American President Woodrow Wilson outlined the basis of a peace settlement. His famous Fourteen Points for lasting peace in the world are: 1. There was to be no more sec

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Important Dates of Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Post Modern World

Important Dates I. ANCIENT WORLD  B.C.   776 First Olympiad in Greece. 753 Rome founded.

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Association of Places/ Abbreviation & Alternative Names

Association of Places Place Associated with Place Associated with Corsica Napoleon Bonaparte Medina Prophet Muhammad

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Important Battles & Their Date

Important Battles Name of the Battle Year Countries Invoved Battle of Marathon 490 BC Athenians and Persians. King Darius of Persia defeated.

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