In-Depth Examguru Environmental Study Materials for Competitive Exams



Meaning of Environment The literal meaning of environment is the 'surrounding of an object'. The root world 'environ' of environment is a French word meaning 'surround' or 'encircle'. Thus, anything that su

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Lithosphere, Hydrosphere & Atmosphere

The earth comprises three spheres— Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere. These spheres are generally considered as land (soil), water and air respectively. The study of lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere is known as 'Geomorphol

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Ecology : Study / Science of Biosphere

Ecology: Concepts & Facts The term Ecology is the combination of two Greek words, Oikos (='house/habitat/dwelling place) and Logos (= the study /science of). Thus, Ecology is the study/science of the biosphere (dwelling place of organis

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Biosphere: A Giant Ecosystem

What is Biosphere? Biosphere is a combination of two Greek words ' Hos (= life) and sphaira (= sphere). Biosphere literally means the sphere where life exists. It is the sphere of action between an organism and its environment. Thus, that p

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Branches of Ecology & Ecological Factors

The ecological studies are based on three main aspects— levels of organisation, taxonomic affinities & types of habitat. The branches of Ecology 1. On the basis of levels of organisation: There are two branches of ecology on t

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Types and Components of Ecosystem/ Food Cain, Food Web

Types of Ecosystem There are two types of ecosystem—Natural/Noncultivated and Artificial/Cultivated ecosystem. 1. Natural/Non-cultivated Ecosystem: Natural ecosystem is subdivided into two categories—Terrestrial (land-relate

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Water Cycle| Carbon Cycle| Nitrogen Cycle| Oxygen Cycle etc.

The term biogeochemical is a contraction / abbreviation that refers to the consideration of the biological geological and chemical aspects of each cycle. Any of the natural cycles by which essential elements of living matter are circulated calle

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Biodiversity: India & World| Extinction & Endangered Species

What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity is a combination of Greek word Bios (=life) and Latinword Diversitas (= variety).Biodiversity literally means Variety of life in ecology, biodiversity refers to the diversities (number & variety of spe

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Conservation of Biodiversity

We know that ecosystem are undergoing change due to habital loss & fragmentation, invasive species, overexploitation, co extinctions, pollutions etc. Most people are beginning to recognise that diversity at all levels— gene pool, spe

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Environmental Issues & their Management: Pollution, Biodiversity Loss & Climate Change

Man and Environment (in the context of environmental Issues & their management) In the early period of human history, human beings were just like any other animal beings dependent on the environment. Food gathering, hunting and fishing

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Environment Policies, Law, Ethics and Rule & Regulation

Environment & Indian Constitution: The constitution of India (42nd Amendment Act, 1976) explicitly incorporates environmental protection and improvement. Article 48A: The state shall endeavour to protect and improve environment and to s

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